5 Businesses you can start with no money.
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5 Businesses you can start with no money.

)Selling used plastics.

You can pick and sell used plastics to plastic manufacturing companies for recycling.

If you get some capital you can open a yard and subcontract people to be selling the used plastics to you for resell.

With more raw materials you can start your own plastic recycling company.

2) Logistic business

look for delivery jobs from businesses and companies, if you get some jobs, subcontract a motorbike rider to deliver the luggages on your behalf at a commission.

when you get enough capital,buy a motorbike and hire a rider to be doing the deliveries.

3)Advertising business.

Advertise lands and houses at a commission.

4)Tour Guide.

work as a tour guide for a fee.

5)Garbage collection.

You can collect garbage in the neighborhood at a fee.

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